As promised
some time ago, this being my first post of 2018 (Happy New Year, by the way), I wanted to compile a recap of art/making that happened during the first four months of this
day-job break.
To warm up a bit in my studio, I initially started making mini "
art from ephemera" collages on leftover business cards from my last office gig (a tongue-in-cheek response to the question people are no doubt asking when they find out I'm one part stay-at-home-mom, one part artist: what do you do all day?). You could say this ongoing project is "
artists in offices" meets "art from ephemera," two themes I've explored in various informal projects over the past three years. As my time in the studio has increased, my desire to make these every day has decreased a bit. I'll continue this project when I have materials from the day and the time to do so, but I'm not forcing myself to commit to making one every day; they served their purpose in the transition from full-time day-job to part-time artist. You can see the 40+ cards I've made so far in
this photo album on my Facebook page.
I don't want to say or post too much just yet about my newest body of work,
Heavenly, except to summarize that, finally, as of this month, it's going well. To date, I've completed about 4 to 5 of the total dozen or so pieces (roughly 13 x 19 inch mixed media works - paintings, if you will - on paper), several with sculptural elements I hope to explore in an installation format at some future time (and space). You can follow my process on
Instagram and see progress shots in
this gallery on my Facebook page. I'm using this new work to apply to residencies and such so wish me luck.
Other than my own work done when both kids are in school, I spent much of the fall, during our significantly increased time together, trying to distract them from screentime with various creative projects. Here are some images from that effort (with mixed results*):
Made at Michael's weekend workshop. Time, space, money - pick two! On a very limited budget, my challenge is to find things to do with the kids - and ways of working - without spending much money. This workshop was $2. |
Our brief interest in kindness rocks. |
Halloween-inspired. |
The 9 year old's diorama book report for 'A Boy in the Girls' Bathroom'. |
This little nook was once a
built-in DIY play kitchen. Since both kids have long outgrown it, I decided to convert it to a mini maker-space, so that they have easy access to a variety of art/craft supplies. Monday afternoons are devoted to making stuff, whenever possible.
This is also the reason why I'm in no rush to replace our 13 year old table! |
Pirate turkey advocates for a vegan Thanksgiving. |
The 4 year old's painted paper-mâché cat. Not creepy at all. |
For the short-lived "
troll in a bowl" project, and as the subject of a "maker-space playdate" the 9 year old had with one of his classmates, I made this mini longbow, courtesy of
Sonic Dad.
Okay, yes, this is food but it's of my studio so it should be included in this round-up! |
Nailed it! |
More clay, this time at the awesome drop-in art studio hosted by the Contemporary Jewish Museum in SF. |
*To clarify, I'm not anti-screentime. But, with multiple screens and a sudden, significant increase in free time, on top of a shoestring budget, the hours were quickly adding up. Making and movement are my main tools in this endless battle!
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